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"How I Make An Extra $1,325 Per Month As A B2B SaaS Copywriter On Upwork (Working Only 4 Hours Per Week)"

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Works anywhere in the world

No skills required

Less than $100 to get started

Here Are Just Some Of My Earnings On Upwork...

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Curious About What You're Getting?

Here's just a mere fraction of everything you'll get inside The Upwork Mastery Course...

Upwork Profile Blueprint

Video Module

Clients decide at a split second if they should hire you - or not.
In this module, you'll discover how to craft a profile that feels as
irresistible as a pizza delivery guy at a party.


Getting The First Client System

Video Module

The first client is the hardest, as you're new to the platform. It almost feels like convincing a cat to take a bath. In this module, you’ll learn the tricks to make it happen within the first 30 days.


The Winning Proposal Formula

Video Module

Discover the exact formula to write proposals that stand out like a neon sign in the dark. Winning lucrative projects even if you don’t have reviews, experience, or a degree.


Fill In The Blank Profile Template


This simple fill-in-the-blank profile template is your shortcut to creating a profile that gets noticed by clients with deep pockets - instantly.


The Best Niches To Start On Upwork

Video Module

The riches are in the niches, but picking the right one can be tricky. In this module, I'll reveal how to identify the top-performing niches on Upwork.


Fill In The Blank Proposal Template


This ready-made proposal template makes it easy to write proposals that land projects with high-paying clients—just fill in the blanks.


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"How To Make An Extra $1,000 Per Month - Even If You've Tried Almost Everything Before"

Without having a college degree, connections, working in tech or even being a native English speaker...

From the desk of Florian West

Hi there,

If you feel stuck in a soul-crushing job that drains your energy, caps your income - and steals your time...

... if you've ever woken up in the morning and asked yourself:

"Is this it?"

You're not alone.

Maybe you're yearning for some extra financial security, more time with loved ones and the ability to buy things you desire and deserve.

But wanting is not enough. To get things, you actually need to do things...

... right?

But where should you start?

“When You're Just Starting Out, You Need To Do Something Easy”

If you're like me, you've seen countless of gurus preach the newest 'get-rich-quick scheme'.

  • Dropshipping

  • No-code software

  • Crypto "meme coins"

The problem? Even if they work for some people, they often require a big upfront investment, a lot of work and a lot of skills.

In short: It's simply to difficult to get started when you're at the beginning.

When you're just starting you, you need to do something that is easy.


  • ... that costs less than $100 to get started.

  • ... that requires skills that anybody can develop.

  • ... that makes money as fast as possible.

At least, that's what I needed...

... when at the end of 2023 I lost it all:

"Damn, You Should Try Making Things work On Upwork"

  • I've started a variety of different businesses, and they all failed.

  • I've injured my back, and was bed-ridden for months.

  • And for the first time in my life, I've found myself in mounting debt.

In short: I felt like an absolute failure.

I needed to find a solution. And I needed to find it now.

But how?

After sharing my desperate situation with my younger brother, he shared the above semi-encouraging words to persuade me to open an Upwork account.

He's a successful business owner, and often hires people on the platform.

"Within a few months, you pull yourself out of this sh*t."

(Yes, he likes to use profanity.)

So, with every force I could muster with my failing health I opened up my browser and navigated to Upwork, set up my account - and find my first client.

The only problem? It wasn't that easy.

"Getting Clients On Upwork is difficult, Until It's Not"

After opening up my Upwork account I expected to get bombarded by clients.

The reality? I found myself having to beg for work as a person with no college degree, connections or proven high-income skills.

It was only after months of trial and error that I've found out exactly how to master the game of Upwork.

  • What exactly to offer on the platform that will make deep-pocketed clients eager to work with you (even when I had no skills).

  • How to deliver a service that make clients want to work with you over and over again (even when I never did this before).

  • How to optimize my profile so I can get noticed by Fortune 500 companies that pay handsomely (even when I had no money)

Now, I'm making $1,000+ per month working less than 4 hours per week.

Almost every day on autopilot, I get an invitation to another high-paying B2B SaaS copywriter job with great clients.

In addition, I've found a well-paying flexible remote job through a connection from an Upwork client too.

Upwork pulled me out of rock bottom and helped me re-gain my confidence.

And in this program, I'll show you how it can do the same for you:

Here's everything you will get instant access to when you get The "Upwork Mastery" Program Today:

The Upwork Mastery program is the collection of everything I've learned in the last 12 months - starting from absolutely $0.

In the program, you'll discover exactly:

  • How to set up your profile the right way, so that clients can't help but invite you for projects.

  • How to write a winning job proposal that gets read, and intrigue your clients so that you become the first choice for a project.

  • How to find your first client, so that you can start making your first (or next) dollar online.

Yep, this is the exact blueprint that I used to get from $0 to $1k+ per month on Upwork.

Plus 3 Bonuses Worth $37.00 When You Get Upwork Mastery TODAY For FREE...

free bonus #1

The $10k Proposal Template


Discover the exact proposal that directly created $10k for myself on the Upwork platform. Use this formula for yourself to earn more.


free bonus #2

21 Validated Niche Ideas


Swipe through 21 validated niches that will help you decide exactly what to offer on Upwork - even if you're a beginner.


free bonus #3

Top 5 Skill-Building Online Courses


Discover the top 5 online courses that help you build lucrative skills - quickly. Even if you feel you don't have any skills yet.


totally Risk Free With My 30-day "Stomp Stuart Little" money back guarantee

I'm so confident that you'll love the Upwork Mastery program, that I'm happy to offer you my 30-Day "Stomp Stuart Little" Money Back Guarantee.

Which means if after 30 days of having access to the Upwork Mastery program, you wouldn't stomp lovely Stuart Little to keep the program and the knowledge you've learned - I'll happily refund you the total investment of the program, no questions asked. :)

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This Works In

Virtually All Countries

This program works wherever the Upwork platform is allowed (this means, almost everywhere).

However, there are a few exceptions to the rule. If you live in any of these countries, this is not for you:

  • Russia

  • Belarus

  • Iran

  • North Korea

  • Syria

  • Crimea, region of Ukraine

  • Cuba

  • Individual nationals of Cuba

  • Luhansk People's Republic (LPR)

  • Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)

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"But, What If I Don't Have

Any Skills?"

The good news is that you can leverage your existing skills on the Upwork platform (if you want)...

... like being a designer.

... or being a developer.

... or being a virtual assistant (for some easy, extra income).

But even if you don't feel like you have any skills, this is for you.

Because I'll hand you the keys to become a B2B SaaS copywriter.

I'll share everything I've learned in the last 6 years of becoming a world-class B2B SaaS copywriter, so that you can start earning in the next 30 days.

You'll enjoy a clear, step-by-step roadmap from completely new to the field - to a respectable B2B SaaS copywriter that can charge $50, $65 or even $100 per hour!

Just imagine collecting checks of hundreds of dollars, in the comfort of your home, thanks to a skill that took you less than 30 days to learn.

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How Does This Compare To Other Ways Of Making Money Online?

Features Upwork Mastery Program Dropshipping Crypto Influencer
Cost To Get Started Less than $100 $2,000 - $10,000 $1,000 - $10,000 $100
Earning potential $100 - $5,000 extra per month $1,000,000+ $1,000,000+ $1,000,000+
Difficulty Level Low High High Medium
Luck Required? No A little bit Yes Yes
Hours worked per week? 1 hour - 40 hours 40 hours - 80 hours 4 hours - 80 hours 4 hours - 80 hours
Risk Very low Medium Very high Low
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finally, Say goodbye to A Soul-Crushing 9-5, Office-Work and Annoying Bosses...

  • Tired of being subject to the whims of your boss?

  • Have you ever felt like there's more to life than just working in a cubicle?

  • And not being able to work wherever, whenever and with whomever you want?

Here's A Quick summary Of everything You’re Getting For Just $97.00 $47 Today

Special Offer 🔥

The Upwork Mastery Program (2025 Edition)

  • Upwork Profile Blueprint

  • The Winning Proposal Formula

  • Getting The First Client System

  • Bonus #1: The $10k Proposal Template

  • Bonus #2: The 21 Validated Niche Ideas

  • Bonus #3: Top 5 Skill-Building Courses

$97.00 just $47 now - OFFER EXPIRES IN

Even More Earnings From Upwork Clients...

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frequently asked questions

I'm completely new to making money online. Is this for me?

Yes, the Upwork Mastery program is for you. In that program, I'll be laying out step-by-step how I started on Upwork starting from absolute 0 on the platform.

In comparison to other ways to make money online (such as dropshipping, consulting - or even software) - making money on Upwork is relatively easy.

I say relatively, because of course, making money is never easy. But it's much easier in comparison to other ways you could generate money online.

Do you offer a refund guarantee?

Yes, absolutely. If you try the Upwork Mastery program, and within 30 days, you don't love what you've signed up for - you can reach out to me at [email protected] - and I'll happily refund you your full purchase.

No questions asked.

Can I hire you over Upwork?

Yes, absolutely. If you have an interesting project you'd like to invite myself to - or even would like to sign up for a marketing consultation - then please feel free to do so.

It's just probably a bit more expensive than this program. :)

I have another question?

The more questions, the better! Please reach out to me over email via [email protected]

Are You Ready to start Building Out An Extra $1,000/mo Of Online Income?

Making money online is never easy. But some strategies are easier and quicker than others.

I've chosen being a B2B SaaS copywriter on Upwork personally because I've got burned on most other business models, and was running out of money fast. I had to make money to pay my living expenses, and could invest almost no money because I was weeks away from not being able to pay my rent.

Having said that, becoming a B2B SaaS copywriter or offering your skills on Upwork is not for everyone:

If you want to become a millionaire quickly - joining the Upwork Mastery program is not for you.

If you want to make extra income without doing any work - joining the Upwork Mastery program is not for you.

If you want to start earning extra money as soon as possible online, and lay the foundation to eventually become a millionaire in 5-10 years (if you desire to do so), joining the Upwork Mastery program is for you.

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